Quality Wood Fuel Products

At Wood Energy, we have a selection of wood fuel products for a range of biomass heating systems.
Wood Energy is an accredited wood fuel supplier and a member of the Bioenergy Association of New Zealand Bioenergy – the renewable fuel | Bioenergy Association of New Zealand

Wood Chips

Wood Energy supplies optimal radiata pine wood chips based on the recommended moisture content for your biomass heating system. We can adjust and blend our fuel to your specifications, and our quality systems ensure that what we deliver meets these requirements.

Wood Chip

Wood Energy New Zealand provides a range of premium fuels that meet specifications. Having multiple supply sources, we are able to provide fuel across a range of moisture contents from 10% to 60%. Our fleet of chippers are also able to provide a range of sizes of fuel from P16 to P50.

Soft Fall Bedding

Tested and certified Playground Surface Material that meets the requirements of the NZS5828:2015 Playground Equipment & Surfacing Standard and the EN1177:2018 Impact Attenuating Playground Standard. 

Pellet Fuel

Pellet Fuel is a premium-grade fuel produced from kiln-dried radiata pine shavings and sawdust generated as part of our remanufacturing process at our Kennington site. By utilising only kiln-dried shavings and sawdust, we can guarantee a consistent moisture content with no bark or other rejected fibre. 

Suitable for residential heating appliances and commercial applications, Pellet Fuel is an A1 premium grade Pellet Fuel produced to ISO Standard 17225-2. Our quality management systems are audited by the Bio-Energy Association as part of the accredited supplier scheme.

Tailored Solutions

Clean, green, and sustainable. Innovative wood fuel solutions to meet your boiler instalment requirements.

Wood Energy offers wood fuel supply for a wide range of applications and specifications and can help future-proof your business with a transition from fossil fuel to wood. With proven and established expertise, we can tailor an energy supply solution to meet your specific needs. Wood Energy can assist with feasibility studies, funding, boiler, and chipping plant selections.

We are happy to provide advice and assistance to ensure our customers obtain the most cost-effective overall solution, matching fuel specifications and upfront boiler plant cost. Wood chip dimensions and moisture content can be adjusted to match your existing boiler plant and fuel handling system, giving you the most efficient return.

Close contact

For more information about our products and services, please contact us by filling out the form below or contact:

Natasha Davis
03 230 3036
Lincoln Dearden
027 297 2637
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